"The Dream Shield": Equipping the 23rd Special Operations Battalion!
$ 3000

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The enemy is stepping up its efforts, and a harsh winter lies ahead. We’re exhausted, but giving up would mean surrendering—something we simply cannot do. We’re launching a fundraiser for the 23rd Special Operations Battalion: a set of equipment to enhance UAV operations (generator, antennas, chargers) and radio reconnaissance (scanner, antennas). This isn’t just equipment—it’s the battalion’s eyes and ears, enabling them to detect and neutralize threats far beyond the horizon, safeguarding and strengthening the frontlines!
Help our defenders spot threats and strike the enemy! Every contribution is an investment in Ukraine’s safety and liberation.
CO "Charitable foundation "Comomonwealth-22"
Commonwealth Ukraine
Note: PayPal in Ukraine supports only personal accounts. PayPal does not allow opening accounts for organizations and private entities. These are personal PayPal accounts, all donations on these accounts will be transferred to charities' accounts.
Every donation, regardless of the amount, is a big help. And this help saves the lives of Ukrainian soldiers. And Ukrainian soldiers save the whole world. Together to victory! Glory to the Armed Forces!
"Commonwealth-22" Charitable Foundation, 2023